Opinions and thoughts of an expert ranter and raver

Posts tagged ‘electrostep’

Artist Spotlight: Deorro, aka TON!C

deorroRecently Deorro, aka Ton!c, has been coming up on my radar as a fresh new producer displaying some of the best in electro house and indie dance music.  As a producer, I’ve noticed the last thing he does is color inside the lines.  The reason I have been so drawn to him as an artist is the unique sounds and the diversity of each of his productions.  I feel like he has almost created his own subgenre, it sounds like gangster meets electro house. No two of his songs sound the same (which I find is a bit typical with electro house producers) and everything he produces makes you want to get up off your ass and dance.  Everything about what he does is just straight funky.  Half the time I feel like his music doesn’t even fall into a genre because he just does what feels good, which in turn, provides an orgasmic experience for the ears.  For me, his music is the total party experience.  This is definitely not easy listening, if you’re going to switch on some Deorro, make sure the volume is on full blast and get ready for a dance because I really don’t see any possible way to sit still while listening to him. Enjoy some of my favorite songs by him!